Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Compiled Sync List of The Wizard of Oz :: The Wizard of Oz Movies Music Films Essays

The Compiled Sync List of The Wizard of Oz 001-Echoes 1) The first indicator that everything is going right is the change from "Speak to Me" to "Breathe" which coincides exactly with the fade-in appearance of the name of producer Mervyn LeRoy *Note: In the prologue the word "Time" (one of the songs on the CD) is written with a capital letter even though it isn't at the start of the sentence. Also you will find the word "Heart" capitalized in the middle of a sentence (a sound particular to "The Dark Side of the Moon"). 2) "Leave, but don't leave me ..." Auntie Em appears to say "... Leave ..." to Dorothy and then Dorothy turns to leave looking a bit down in the mouth. 3) Right after the words "... Look around ..." Dorothy looks around. 4) "... Smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry ..." Two men above (Cowardly Lion and Tin Woodsman) are smiling and the man below (Scarecrow) is crying. This one is sort of not on time but worth the mention. 5) "... All you touch ..." Dorothy touches the man (Cowardly Lion) holding a bucket on his arm. *Note: "All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be" Dorothy's life will only really be all she touches and all she sees in her Kansas home because Oz exists only in her pretty little head. 6) "... When at last the work is done ..." the man (Scarecrow) hits his finger with the hammer (to the beat of the drum no less) and is done with his work. 7) Right after "... Dig that hole ..." the farm hand (Scarecrow) points to the ground as if telling Dorothy to dig a hole. 8) "... Balanced on the biggest wave ..." Dorothy is balancing herself on the fence. 9) "... Race towards an early grave." is said at the moment just before Dorothy falls off the fence rail. ["... Down in the pig-pen sayin' 'keep on diggin' ..." Lyrics from "Pigs (Three Different Ones)" by Roger Waters on the "Animals" CD] *Note: "... Race towards an early grave ..." Perhaps a reference to Judy Garland's untimely death? *Note: Judy Garland died in 1969, the same year we put a man on the moon ... "I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon." 10) Song shifts from "Breathe" to "On the Run" at the same time (actually just slightly before) Dorothy falls off the fence.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Frankenstein: How To Read Literature Like Professor

In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley uses symbolism and allegory to depict the actions of the main characters and what their actions truly mean. In How to Read Literature Like a professor, Thomas C. Foster asks his readers what you think a symbol stands for, Foster also writes â€Å"[whatever] you think it stands for, it probably does. † (ninety-seven) Frankenstein contains many symbols, however there is only a few symbols that truly support our findings the whole nine yards.There are six specific symbols and allegories that were purposefully chosen to support our findings: Light, The Bible, Alps, Water, White, and Lightening. light, shelley establishes light as a symbol on the very first page, when walton tells his sister that he’s heading off to a â€Å"country of eternal light â€Å" where the â€Å"sun is forever visible† (letter one. two), our first indication that light isn’t all good when the monsters first sensation is of â€Å"light pressed upon [his] nerves† ( light does not benefit to the daemen, it only allows people know how hideous he truly is. The Bible in frankenstein is not a symbol but in fact it is an allegory, the monster is compared to adam the first man in the Judeo-Christian Tradition, â€Å"like adam i was apparently united by no link to any other being in existence†¦. † later on the monster is also compared to satan â€Å"Many times i considered Satan as the fitter emblem of my condition. † (15.7)The Alps is another important symbol that helps bring the true meaning to the characters actions, Frankenstein goes to The Alps, The Alps combined with it’s beauty took his mind away from his horrible time with the results of his creation. In Frankenstein, water figuratively brings life to Frankenstein whether he is traveling on it or drinking it. it brings him life and inspires him to be close to nature. Walton believes the light of the far North as eternal and full of hope â€Å"What could not be expected in the country of eternal light?†Light is important to all the characters in Frankenstein, Light guides the Character through Important decisions. However many of the decisions that the characters have made could have gone a different way, when Frankenstein decides the truth of how his younger brother died from his family already clearly told the readers what the result might be. Lightning is also a symbol in Frankenstein the tree being burnt by lightning. Here lightning represents the destruction/creation dichotomy. Just as the tree once grew the lightning destroys it.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Georgia Institute of Tecnologys Library - 933 Words

The Georgia Institute of Technology’s Library is a research institution located in Atlanta Georgia. The prestigious academic library is an integral hub for science and engineering students from around the globe. From its small origins in a one room classroom and only one librarian in 1901; the library officially opened its doors in 1907.As of 2014, the library now requires a large staff of 136-150 employees, in order to maintain the academic library. The materials budget varies from $4,000,000 to $6,818,190. A huge portion is spent on periodicals and databases. A portion of the budget, around $250,000 is deviated for monograph or books. A wealth of resources and imperative information, the library’s approximate collection for titles is 1,061,206; volumes is 2,537,869 (including 248,580 e-books).In 2012, 9,229 volumes have been acquired. I spoke to two different Heads of Acquisitions at GA Tech. First I spoke to Tom Fisher; he has been employed at the GA Tech library for 22yrs. Initially he worked in circulations, now he works in monograph (books) acquisitions as the Assistant Head of Acquisitions Serials. He is responsible for the purchase of monographs and standing orders; receives and processes purchase requests. I also conducted a web interview with Elizabeth Winter, the Assistant Department Head E-resources Coordinator. Both of them provided profound insight into academic acquisitions. The report is a consolidated interview. The Automated systems used are Ex